Career Professional Mentor

Pam Karakas

My name is Pamela Karakas. Most people call me Pam. I feel like a “native” having lived here, in Santa Clara, now for over 30 years! You have been “Called to Dixie”  is a resounding  phrase, for those who come here, just as I did in 1990. You have a purpose, Your ambitions are being fulfilled….just as mine are! It is no accident you are here!

I teach basic yoga to seniors, and practice “Kundalini” I love to hike, snow ski, and water sports. I am still very active, at 72! I have been married 46 yrs, and enjoy 3 grandchildren, ages 8,9,10. I am  always looking for “meaningful connections” through young people. I am here, for those students who need support. Through building relationships, we can learn from each other. I am looking forward to meeting you, and participating, in your experience, here at DSU.